I am going to have to get better about taking pictures though, and I think this will give me a reason.
So, this past weekend I went to San Antonio to vist a very dear friend......you know the kind you can just lay around and watch movies all day and never leave your p.j.'s. I love visiting her, but sometimes it is just too hard to leave. Since moving back to Texas from the East Coast, and us being closer......I thought for sure we would visit all the time. The thing is life catches up with you, and making time seems much harder then you had orginally thought. I wonder why that is, have I really reached a age where my energy fails me. I remember when I was younger actually having conversations with my Mom about why she lost touch with people. My Mom would tell me, well life just gets in the way sometimes.......oh how naive you can be when you are a kid to think....that will NEVER happen to me. I would like to think I can remember those conversations, not because I will be perfect about it later, but because I will be aware that sometimes investing and maintaining in people take work......but it's like weight watchers says "it works if you work it, so work it your worth it" :)
Speaking of investing in things and people worth investing in.......I am ashamed to say reading a book does not come first nature to me. I wish it would, but well just another thing I have to work at. The whole reason I even want to, is My mom's voice in the back of my mind.......reading increases your knowledge. Well if my business professor was correct, "knowledge is power"......then reading is worth it. Well, mostly it is just fun to be in a book club. So me and two of my very best friends are going to be reading "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett.
I first heard of this book, when my grandmother was telling me about it. She has personal experience with this time in history. She was telling me, how when her father came over to Texas from louisana.....he brought with him the "help" if you will, that he had grown up with. My grandmother says she can remember that they lived in the garage, and said she was a little girl......and never really thought about what that meant for those people until this book. She said her father eventually had to take "the Help" back to lousiana because the neighbors caught wind of this and were not happy. Crazy to me and wonderful how times have changed, yet such a undeniable part of our countries history.
Anyway I heard the book was great! So here goes nothing:) Bye for now.