Friday, June 8, 2012

How Lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard!

So this weekend My Dad's side of the family are all headed to Lake Charles, Lousinana for a family reunion. I can't help but wonder what my grandpa is feeling right now, and then in the same thought I can't help but think how lucky I am to be almost 30 and  have a Grandpa still around to experience life with.

My grandpa's brother is not going to make it much longer (if past this year), and so a reunion has been planned between the two to pretty much say goodbye!.......pause for the weight of that statement! So since traveling is hard in your old age and they havent seen much of each other the last few years.....means really we all (the extended families I mean) havent seen much of each other as well. So here we are June 8, 2012 coming together to share a weekend of life together.

So being the reflector that I am I cannot help but think what great significance this weekend will hold. I mean not only for my grandparents, and those matriarchs and patriarchs.....but for the rest of us there to have forever with us. It is funny how all of the sudden in the midst of happens. I mean so much passes us by, but there are moments of true significance that forever shape who you are. I am ovewhelmed at the thought of all of our lives coming to a be able to look back and say....well I dont know what you would say. I mean just to be able to look back on 80 something years worth of life happening. Then to say goodbye to someone who has been in nearly all of those years. I dont know how you could not be moved by that.

You and I will meet again
when we're least expecting it
One day in some far off place
I will recongizne your face
I wont say goodbye my friend
for you and I will meet again.
-Tom Petty